About Fitillion

From on-site fitness studios to home-based workout options, our fitness products are tailored to meet the needs of diverse organisations, enabling individuals to work towards their personal fitness goals while participating in motivating group workouts.

Together we rise, together we thrive.

Our story

Fitillion is an Australian fitness technology company, renowned for its patented concept of ‘Personalised Group Fitness’, and its seamless integration of fitness hardware and software across different verticals.

Representing an expansive collection of over 15,000 bespoke exercises, Fitillion provides a tailored fitness experience for individuals with varied goals and skill levels.

Personalised Workouts with Group Energy

Invite friends or colleagues to workouts, or train solo on-demand

Our patented sports science and systems create a tailored workout program for each participant. Our smart screens play personalised exercises throughout the circuit for each person to meet their individual fitness level and goal. With our bespoke library of 15 000 exercises, workouts range from Build, Burn and Balance classes.

This makes the gym a less intimidating and more inclusive place. For the first time, people with different fitness levels and fitness goals can train together in exhilarating classes, and everyone can cope with the workout they are given.

Training & support

You’ll receive an account manager, comprehensive training and customised software. Your success is our success!

Account manager
Comprehensive training
customised software